Easiest way to buy is directly with crypto (Litecoin)
If you already own crypto, you can easily convert some of it to Litecoin using
or simply buy crypto from any popular exchange in your country.
Method 1
Pay securely using Ramp.Network with Bank Card | Crypto | GPay | ApplePay
Method 2
Pay securely using Swapped.com with Bank Card | Crypto | GPay | ApplePay
Steps to complete your payment:
- Follow the steps as shown in the video.
- On swapped.com, choose LTC under “Receive at” and enter the amount shown on the invoice.
- Copy the Litecoin address from the generated invoice.
- Paste the address in the “Your Litecoin wallet address” field.
- Complete the checkout using one of the following methods: Credit/Debit card, Apple Pay, or GPay.
- That’s it!
- Is it safe to pay in the Shop?